It's hard to believe that my little man is already a month old!! The time has flown by like crazy - I'm already wishing it would slow down, I am not ready for him to get any older!!! Here are a few things about this little man in his first month of life.
- At his 1 month appointment (which was actually at about 5 weeks) he weighed 8 lbs 10.5 oz, and was 20.5 inches long. His head circumference was 14.5. He was in the 25th percentile for his height and weight, and the 30th percentile for his head circumference. I still can't believe I have such a little baby! I was convinced from day one he was going to be a sumo baby. He is still just so long and skinny!
- He has the biggest hands / feet I've ever seen on a baby! I wish they would give me a percentile on where he is for foot length, because I'm thinking they are NOT in proportion with the rest of him!
- I got lucky and he is a pretty good sleeper at night! From about 1.5 weeks on he has slept in about 4 to 4.5 hour stretches at night, and lately he has been doing about 5 to even 6.5 hours (now THAT was a good night - even though I woke up in a panic after like 6 hours and was like Why isn't he awake yet?? Whats wrong??)
- We have lots of annoying, ridiculous nicknames for him, including Wubbs, Mr. Wubbs, Sharkbaby, Wubby, Stinkin Lincoln, Linc, Stinky. Yeah, we're THOSE parents.
- We aren't really on a set schedule yet, but our days mostly consist of waking up around 8 or 9, or sometimes around 7:30, which is when I make him come snuggle me in bed for another half an hour to an hour. He usually stays awake until he has to eat again, sometimes dozing for a half an hour or so. He takes a good nap in the afternoon for usually 2 hours, wakes up to eat and then sleeps again. Then he's up til bedtime around 10:00 ish. He eats every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day, and then likes to eat like every 1.5 hours from like 6 PM on. So nights are basically spent laying around topless (which is not as fun as it sounds...)
- He hates to be swaddled, but wakes himself up every 10 minutes if he isn't by hitting himself in the face with his arms. This kid has a serious case of restless arm syndrome. He learned how to escape from blanket swaddling, so we got this swaddle wrap complete with velcro to keep him all swaddled up that we have lovingly termed his straight jacket. I always know when he's starting to wake up because I can hear him starting to grunt and struggle to get his little arms out.
- He has the furriest little back I've ever seen! I never want it to fall out, until I remember that it should probably fall out before he's a man because then it is a little less cute and a lot more gross.
- His facial expressions pretty much make me die laughing. He has a permanent scowl (which he totally got from his dad) so he looks grouchy approximately 90% of the time. He also requires full use of his face muscles to poop, and scrunches up his whole face to get the job done. He gets super excited about food, or his binky, or basically anything moving in the general direction of his mouth, and he starts moving his head from side to side super fast with his mouth open (hence he nickname Shark Baby) Lately he has also started doing the same thing but back and forth, so he is now also a woodpecker.
- He likes to ride in the car, and his carseat puts him right to sleep. Many a naptime has been spent in his room in his carseat. Great mom award goes to....probably not me. Oh well.
- When he's sleeping, he'll randomly get this tourette's syndrome like cry where he'll be totally peacefully asleep, and then start SCREAMING like I just punched him in the face, and then 30 seconds later be right back to sleep. Said cry has caused some serious panic on my part while at Walmart or Costco or the mall.
- He smiles and also totally laughs in his sleep! I think this is just the beginning of the sleep talking that he surely inherited from Ryan and I. He just barely started smiling for real right at about the month mark, and it is seriously my favorite thing EVER. That smile melts my freaking heart!
- Lately he has been GREAT about getting to bed. At night I usually just feed him, snuggle him for a little bit and then lay him in bed with his binky and he has been awesome at just going to sleep. Naptime is a little harder, but I'll take it!!
- I pretty much lucked out and got a mellow, happy little guy! He doesn't really cry unless he's hungry, can't poop, or is super sleepy. He hardly even fusses, besides in the evening hours when he thinks he needs to be eating CONSTANTLY.
- He is seriously crazy good at holding his head up already. When we lay him on his tummy he can hold his head up and move it back and forth, and starts to try get his butt up and move his little legs like he wants to scoot forward. Scary. Stop it. I'm pretty sure this is just because he is a skinny little guy and doesn't have tons of chub obstructing his movement. Time to fatten this kid up and make him a little less mobile.
Being a mom is a lot of work, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I love this little guy more than I ever thought I could love a little a little pooping, crying, eating machine ;) He is seriously the best addition to our family and I cant wait to keep watching him grow! (Cheesy I know, but seriously, I love this kid.) Here are some pictures from his first month:
First day at home! |
Uncle Dylan and Lincoln |
Grandpa loves his first grandbaby! |
Grandma and Lincoln |
Getting some sun to try and get rid of some jaundice |
I freaking love this little face. |
First bath! Not sure what to think... |
His poop face! Pooping is hard..... |
Lincoln and his girlyfriend Tayvia |
Monopoly guy anyone? We have a lot of time on our hands.... |
My child is a gangsta... whatup! |
Sunday nap with mommy. Best. Thing. Ever. |
Lincoln in his straight jacket |
A whole month old! |
Attempting to catch a smile on camera |
Lincoln and Benson! |
His pro had holding skillz.
he is soooo cute