Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lincoln Lately (Almost) 15 Months!!

Stink bug is almost 15 months and is getting older and crazier everyday! He is a sweet little guy but lemme tell ya, curious and busy don't even begin to describe this kid so he definitely keeps me on my toes :) Here's what he's been up to lately.... 

Walking / running:  he refused to even TRY to walk until one day when he was about 14 months he just decided it was time and started doing it like he he'd been walking for years! He was instantly a pro and I instantly decided that I missed the crawling days ;) 

Talking: Lincoln  Here's some of the stuff he says:
-tickle, tickle, tickle 
-mama, dada, dogdog
-cracker (the food kind, not the white person kind) 
-when I say "I love you" he will say "I too!!!" which pretty much melts my heart 
-Hi, uh oh, all done, ball, baba
-He can tell you what the doggy says (ruff ruff) what the sheep says (baaaa) and gobble gobble gobble (where he just sticks his tongue out and in and goes lalo lalo lalo so funny!!) 
-Mammaw (what he calls grandma)  but he insists on saying it in a super low demon baby voice haha 
-Papa (for grandpa)
-Night night (nigh nigh) 
-Yuck (which he says guck)
-Chit chit (which isn't as bad as it sounds!) That is how he says beep beep. It is extra funny when people don't know what he's saying and think he's already driven / watched too much football with Ryan and picked up on a few things ;) 
-Vroom vroom (he loves cars / trucks and drives them all over saying vroom vroom) 
-Shhhhhh (He will scream and then say shhhhh. We are obviously still working on that one...) 

Getting in to everything naughty:
His favorite things are trying to sneak in to the bathroom to unroll the toilet paper, splash in the toilet or throw everything in the bathtub. If the doors aren't closed for even a second he can sense it and operation destroy commences. He also enjoys trying to push the baby gate down the stairs, shoving the laundry in to heater vents, and attempting to steal knifes from the dishwasher.  

His favorites lately are: 
-goldfish, scrambled eggs, chicken nuggets, and macaroni 
-balls, his jeep that he can ride on / push around, and anything he is not supposed to have 
-Wresting with daddy
-helping mommy do the dishes (i.e. pulling everything out of the dishwasher while mommy tries to put stuff in)
-throwing all his toys over the baby gate and down the stairs
-Yo Gabba Gabba (aka musical acid trip show) 
-Torturing dogdog 
-Playing outside and getting as dirty as possible 
-Belly flopping on to pillows and blankets (Which is hilarious. Except when he misses the pillows. Then it's extra hilarious. Haaa. Just kidding) 
-Playing with anyone / everyone. He's not picky, as long as there is someone to play with he is happy. He thinks big kids are super cool, especially his uncles and cousins. 
-Bathtime / swimming / anything with water. He has no fear when it comes to water. 
 -Refusing to wear socks, shoes or foot coverings of any kind. He just wants to make sure I look like a good mom when it's 30 degrees and he's barefoot 
-Taking off the heater vents and shoving anything he can find down there.  I. Hate. This. Game.  I have recently found balls, an iPod, approximately 12 pieces of clothing, diapers and the remote down there.

Chasing this kid around can be exhausting, but I can't imagine my life without all the laughs, love and happiness he brings to my life everyday. I love my Lincoln log!! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Reflections and Resolutions

I am in shock that it is almost December.  Which means I'm almost 26. And means Lincoln is now almost 15 months old.  And means its almost 2014.  Where did the year go?!?  When did I get so old?!?  When did my baby turn in to a crazy, house-destroying, tornado of a toddler??

I am becoming a believer in what everyone older than me has always told me: that time only speeds up.  I feel like so much has changed and is changing everyday in my life and especially in the life of the afore-mentioned tornado, and I feel like a go to sleep at night and all of a sudden 6 months has passed like it was only a week!  It makes me a little sad to realize all the little details of things that I have forgotten, and the more I will forget as time goes on.  

Which is why it is my 2014 New Years Resolution (starting NOW- are you proud of me for jumping on the resolution wagon so early??) to take a second NOW to write down and remember the little things - the funny things Lincoln says or does, the things he destroys / gets in to that mayyyy make me want to cry and / or check myself in to the loony bin now but will (hopefully) make me laugh when I look back on them, and  all the general craziness that is our everyday life so that I can remember it tomorrow, next week, next December and all the Decembers after that.  

So here is the first of hopefully many posts to come (I know, I know, you've heard that before from me....) but this is my NEW YEARS RESOLUTION dang it!  And I ALWAYS keep those.  (Just pretend like I gave up diet coke and candy in 2013 okay??)  So here's to a well documented 2014!  

And just so this blog post wasn't a total waste of your time to is a super awkward family photo for your viewing pleasure. :)