Sunday, December 2, 2012

2 months old!

Well, I have successfully kept a baby alive for two whole months! And - it has been a great two months.  My little Lincoln man is getting bigger and smarter everyday.  I never imagined how much fun it could be to watch that kid grow up! Mommy-hood has made me cheesy - the littlest things he does make me beam with pride and make my heart melt.  I know, cheesy.  So - here's a little update on what he's been up to this month.

  • At his two month appointment he had grown a ton!  He is now 10 lbs 15 oz and 22.5 inches long which puts him in the 40th percentile for weight, and 50th percentile for height.  His head circumference is 15 1/4 inches, which is still in the 30th percentile.
  • I think I'm going to have to since.tart baby proofing the house sooner rather than later, because I think this little guy is going to be on the move before we know it.  He started rolling over at 5 weeks - at first I thought it was just a fluke but he has done it ever since.  He can only roll from his tummy to his back (I think the only reason he does it is because he does not love being on his tummy) but lately when he's chilling on the floor he is starting to try to roll the other way from his back to his tummy.  Fingers crossed it takes him a little while - I'm not ready to have a kid that can move on his own!
  • He started smiling at about 1 month, and can I just say that it is about the best thing ever??  When he decides to wake me up at the butt crack of dawn and I stumble in to his room half asleep he always gives me a big smile, which makes getting up WAY to early at least a little easier :)
  • Just when I think we have a set sleep schedule, he decides to mess things up on me.  He started off the month doing about 6 to 6.5 hours a night, then had a few weeks where he would only sleep like 4, and then he was to 7 hours almost every night annnddd letting me sleep til like 8:30! Just when I was thinking this was the best thing ever, daylight savings happened (dun dun dun...) and it was back to 4.5 to 5 hours and waking up at 7 AM.  Hopefully we get readjusted to this dang time change soon....
  • This kid is alert and awake A LOT!  He still doesn't take very long naps during the day (but we're working on it, because now he is cranky pants if he doesn't get sleep) and when he is awake he loves to look around and try to figure out what this crazy world is all about.  He has started following us around with this eyes and loves to watch mommy and daddy.
  • He is still sleeping in the little sleeper in his pack n play.  While we were in Colorado he slept in just a regular pack n play and did NOT sleep well.  We also still have to swaddle him so he doesn't wake himself up with his crazy restless arm syndrome haha.  I've started putting a noise maker in his room so he doesn't wake up every morning when Ryan leaves for work (I got this free noisemaker app on my phone) and I think it helps.  But who knows with how often this kid likes to change his sleep patterns
  • Lincoln has started making noises and "talking" like crazy lately!  Its so fun.  We spend a lot of time just laying on the floor or the bed with him just telling me stories and cooing and giggling (or what sounds like giggling - I can't tell if he's really laughing yet!) It's one of my favorite times with him :)
  • This kid must take after his dad - he is seriously the LOUDEST sleeper ever!  He is constantly snoring, squeaking, grunting, farting or doing his random tourettes-ish cry (see the 1 month blog update!) He constantly sounds like he's awake, but he's just snoozing away!
I seriously love watching my little Lincoln man grow up.  I keep wishing time would slow down because I feel like its just flying by and before I know it he will be off on the bus to kindergarten and then leaving for college and before I know it I'll be a grandma.  But it is also the most amazing thing watching him grow.  Being a mom might just be the best thing ever.  

P.S.  Sorry this post is a little late - seeing as he is almost three months now.... Here's some pictures from Lincoln's second month of life!

Lincoln is a grumpy lumberjack

Blessing Day!  October 21, 2012

Cutest little giraffe I've ever seen!  Lincoln's first Halloween

Twinners with daddy!  

Lincoln and his buddy Adalise

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Even if....

Even if....

I never fit in to my pre-pregnancy jeans again
I only wear something besides sweats once a week for the rest of my life
My boobs start to sag to the point that they can tuck in to my pants
I never sleep a full night again
Its a good day when I only get pooped on, peed on or puked on once
My extra cash is spent on diapers, wipes and baby stuff
I have completely gray hair by the time I'm 30
My house is never clean again
I never go to the store or anywhere else by myself again

Then it's okay.  Because being a mom is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

And even if I'm the most sleep deprived and fattest I've ever been, and my house is continuously a wreck, I am also the happiest I've ever been.  And I wouldn't give up being a mom for the world.   
I love my baby and my baby daddy!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lincoln's First Month!

It's hard to believe that my little man is already a month old!!  The time has flown by like crazy - I'm already wishing it would slow down, I am not ready for him to get any older!!!  Here are a few things about this little man in his first month of life.

  • At his 1 month appointment (which was actually at about 5 weeks) he weighed 8 lbs 10.5 oz, and was 20.5 inches long.  His head circumference was 14.5.  He was in the 25th percentile for his height and weight, and the 30th percentile for his head circumference.  I still can't believe I have such a little baby!  I was convinced from day one he was going to be a sumo baby.  He is still just so long and skinny!
  • He has the biggest hands / feet I've ever seen on a baby! I wish they would give me a percentile on where he is for foot length, because I'm thinking they are NOT in proportion with the rest of him!
  • I got lucky and he is a pretty good sleeper at night!  From about 1.5 weeks on he has slept in about 4 to 4.5 hour stretches at night, and lately he has been doing about 5 to even 6.5 hours (now THAT was a good night - even though I woke up in a panic after like 6 hours and was like Why isn't he awake yet?? Whats wrong??)
  • We have lots of annoying, ridiculous nicknames for him, including Wubbs, Mr. Wubbs, Sharkbaby, Wubby, Stinkin Lincoln, Linc, Stinky.  Yeah, we're THOSE parents. 
  • We aren't really on a set schedule yet, but our days mostly consist of waking up around 8 or 9, or sometimes around 7:30, which is when I make him come snuggle me in bed for another half an hour to an hour.  He usually stays awake until he has to eat again, sometimes dozing for a half an hour or so.  He takes a good nap in the afternoon for usually 2 hours, wakes up to eat and then sleeps again.  Then he's up til bedtime around 10:00 ish.  He eats every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day, and then likes to eat like every 1.5 hours from like 6 PM on.  So nights are basically spent laying around topless (which is not as fun as it sounds...)
  • He hates to be swaddled, but wakes himself up every 10 minutes if he isn't by hitting himself in the face with his arms.  This kid has a serious case of restless arm syndrome. He learned how to escape from blanket swaddling, so we got this swaddle wrap complete with velcro to keep him all swaddled up that we have lovingly termed his straight jacket.  I always know when he's starting to wake up because I can hear him starting to grunt and struggle to get his little arms out. 
  • He has the furriest little back I've ever seen!  I never want it to fall out, until I remember that it should probably fall out before he's a man because then it is a little less cute and a lot more gross.
  • His facial expressions pretty much make me die laughing.  He has a permanent scowl (which he totally got from his dad) so he looks grouchy approximately 90% of the time.  He also requires full use of his face muscles to poop, and scrunches up his whole face to get the job done.  He gets super excited about food, or his binky, or basically anything moving in the general direction of his mouth, and he starts moving his head from side to side super fast with his mouth open (hence he nickname Shark Baby) Lately he has also started doing the same thing but back and forth, so he is now also a woodpecker.
  • He likes to ride in the car, and his carseat puts him right to sleep.  Many a naptime has been spent in his room in his carseat.  Great mom award goes to....probably not me.  Oh well. 
  • When he's sleeping, he'll randomly get this tourette's syndrome like cry where he'll be totally peacefully asleep, and then start SCREAMING like I just punched him in the face, and then 30 seconds later be right back to sleep.  Said cry has caused some serious panic on my part while at Walmart or Costco or the mall.
  • He smiles and also totally laughs in his sleep! I think this is just the beginning of the sleep talking that he surely inherited from Ryan and I.  He just barely started smiling for real right at about the month mark, and it is seriously my favorite thing EVER.  That smile melts my freaking heart!
  • Lately he has been GREAT about getting to bed.  At night I usually just feed him, snuggle him for a little bit and then lay him in bed with his binky and he has been awesome at just going to sleep.  Naptime is a little harder, but I'll take it!!
  • I pretty much lucked out and got a mellow, happy little guy!  He doesn't really cry unless he's hungry, can't poop, or is super sleepy.  He hardly even fusses, besides in the evening hours when he thinks he needs to be eating CONSTANTLY.  
  • He is seriously crazy good at holding his head up already.  When we lay him on his tummy he can hold his head up and move it back and forth, and starts to try get his butt up and move his little legs like he wants to scoot forward.  Scary. Stop it.  I'm pretty sure this is just because he is a skinny little guy and doesn't have tons of chub obstructing his movement.  Time to fatten this kid up and make him a little less mobile. 
Being a mom is a lot of work, but I wouldn't change it for the world.  I love this little guy more than I ever thought I could love a little a little pooping, crying, eating machine ;)  He is seriously the best addition to our family and I cant wait to keep watching him grow! (Cheesy I know, but seriously, I love this kid.)  Here are some pictures from his first month:

First day at home!
Uncle Dylan and Lincoln
Grandpa loves his first grandbaby!
Grandma and Lincoln
Getting some sun to try and get rid of some jaundice

I freaking love this little face.
First bath!  Not sure what to think...
His poop face!  Pooping is hard..... 

Lincoln and his girlyfriend Tayvia
Monopoly guy anyone?   We have a lot of time on our hands....
My child is a gangsta... whatup! 
Sunday nap with mommy.  Best.  Thing.  Ever.
Lincoln in his straight jacket 

A whole month old!  

Attempting to catch a smile on camera
Lincoln and Benson! 
His pro had holding skillz.

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Baby Story

Back in the high school days when I ran cross county and track, I used to whine before every meet that I would rather birth a baby then suffer through the pain of another race.  Welp, I birthed a baby.  And now that I can say that I have completed both of these, I think I can compare the two a liiiitle bit better.  And the verdict is:  MY HIGH SCHOOL SELF WAS CRAZY.  As much as those races sucked, I would run another one backwards in high heels rather than squeeze another nearly 8 lb child out of my downstairs.  Just saying.  However as far as labor experiences go, I think I got off pretty easy.  So, here is the story of my little mans entrance in to the world.  If you don't necessarily want to hear all the details of this baby birthing, now would be a good time to stop reading!

Note: This picture had to be added first so the one of me huge and pregnant (see below) wasn't the picture that showed up on the summary page of this blog entry....

By the end of my pregnancy, I was pretty done with being pregnant.  And by pretty done I mean I wanted that baby out of me NOW.  At my 39 week appointment, my doctor told me that I was still at 1 cm (where I had been the past two weeks) and that my baby was already probably about 9 lbs.  Upon hearing this, and a few futile attempts of trying to get her to induce me that day, she left the room and I started bawling to my poor husband.  Thats when we made the goal to try every trick in the book to get labor started on our own. That night Ryan made eggplant parmesan for dinner since supposedly eggplant has some magic labor inducing power.  This involved him going to two different stores to find freaking eggplant, and some serious preparation on his part, so even though I was slightly terrified of eggplant, I decided I would eat every bite.  As it turns out, eggplant is kind of really chewy and disgusting.  And as it also turns out this nasty texture combined with it being vegetable (and therefore my enemy) does not sit well with my over sensitive pregnant lady stomach.  So poor Ryan got to watch me throw up his hard work all night.  Annnnd still no baby. So naturally we would decide to go for a long labor inducing walk.  And when I mean long I mean long, as Ryan said "We're not stopping til your water breaks!!"  which it didn't.  The next day was a full moon, which is also supposedly great at making babies want to come out.  Ryan made me stand outside and flash my belly to the moon.  In retrospect, I'm guessing he didn't REALLY think this would work, but just wanted to see how desperate I really was and / or just watch me do it.  And it worked!!! Just kidding.  I was definitely pregnant the next day, and starting to think those old wives were just full of crap.  We decided to give the myths one more try and whip out the big guns, aka castor oil.  This succeeded in making me absolutely miserable, but labor wise still nothing. 
One of the last pictures of me pregnant.  Just so don't think I was complaining for nothing....

So Sunday night over labor day weekend (approximately 24 hours after my weekend from hell trying to get labor moving), I started thinking my water might be leaking.  It wasn't a constant thing, and would just happen every once in a while.  Everything I read when I googled it said that if it was leaking it would happen constantly and not randomly, but it just kept happening.  So finally on Monday morning, which was labor day, I called the hospital to see what I should do.  They told me to come in so they could check to see if it really was my water leaking.  I was convinced they would send me home, tell me I was crazy and that I just kept peeing my pants.  We almost didn't even bring the hospital bags, but ended up grabbing them just in case.  When we got there, they got me in a gown, put me in a hospital bed, hooked up all the monitors and did a test to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid.  At this point I was laying there thinking I was going to feel reallly dumb if they sent us home after all that. After what seemed an eternity, the nurse came in and told me the test was positive and that they were going to keep me.  Ryan and I looked at each other in shock and tried to wrap our heads around the fact that we were having a baby, right here right now!

My mom had been (not so patiently) awaiting the news whether they were keeping us at the hospital since i told her we were going to go get the water situation checked out.  As soon as I was told I was going to be having the baby, I called her and the panic began.  It was my little brother Dylan's birthday, so they were at a trampoline place celebrating.  After I told her the news, she started screaming frantically for my other brother Kade to get my dad.  "KADE!! GET YOUR DAD!!! GET YOUR DAD!!!  THEY'RE KEEPING HER SHE'S HAVING A BABY!!  GET YOUR DAD!!!  WE HAVE TO GO!!!!"  After the panic subsided she headed home, booked a plane ticket to Utah and was on her way.
Looking super hot in the hospital.  Please do not attempt to count my chins.

 I wasn't having consistent regular contractions, so they got me started on the pitcoin at about 3 PM that day.  And then we were in for the long haul. They checked me when I came in, and I was still at only about 1 cm, and at around 8 PM when they checked me again I was still only around 1 to 2 cm.  At this point I was getting frustrated, because my contractions were definitely getting more intense and closer together - they were about 2- 3 minutes apart at this point - but nothing was happening!  The nurse decided to get a doctor in to fully break my water, since it was still just leaking slowly.  With it being labor day, the doctor came from his house in his jeans and t-shirt ready to get the party started. He used this terrifying looking pointy stick to get the job done.  My water breaking all the way was pretty much the werdest sensation ever.  My sister Kendall, and my friend Courtney had come to visit, so they got to witness this oh-so-exciting experience (as far as I know they were on the other side of the room so hopefully not witnessing TOO much for the sake of their own eyeballs....) The doctor who did the water break-age told me that my water must have been leaking from a slow, high leak, because the sack at the bottom was still fully intact, and this was most likely why I wasn't progressing because the sack wouldn't let the baby's head fully engage to dilate me further.  He also said he could feel hair on the baby's head!!

Before my water broke, my contractions were getting really really painful, and I felt like they were so close together I hardly got a break to recover from one before the next one started.  After they broke my water all the way, for a second it felt better - like some of the pressure had been relieved, but that relief was short lived.  The pain was back with a vengance. At this point I called in the nurse to beg her to get the anaesthesioglist in NOW to give me the epidural.  She must have misunderstood the word NOW because he took like a half an hour to get in there!  In the middle of my waiting for the epidural my brother Michael came to visit, and I was hurting so much I couldn't even really say hi or acknowledge his presence.  It turns out being in labor makes me a not-so-nice person.  Go figure.  FINALLY after what seemed like 45 years the anaesthiologist got there.  They started asking me for some stats, birthday, height, weight - and even in the middle of my agony I paused after he asked for my weight like "Really??  You really want me to announce my fully 9 month pregnant weight to my husband, siblings and friends in the room? I don't think so.  Forget it, I don't need the epidural" Yeah, just kidding about that last part, but luckily the nurse made everyone leave (except for Ryan, who now knows I was lying to him for 9 months about how much I weigh... greeeeat)  They sat me up cross legged to get the epidural going, and surprise - this position felt SO much better than lying down!  I could have lasted like this a LOT longer.  I didn't really know I was allowed to get up and walk around, or change positions, or anything, and just laid there through the pain.  But since the pain doctor was there and ready to go I was not about to send him away.

The epidural wasn't painful and it went really well - they laid me back down and shortly after I was back to smiling and laughing and not being a horrible person.  After I got the epidural they checked me and I was at about 3 cm, so I still had a ways to go.  I kept asking the nurse to reassure me that I wasn't a wimp that I only made it to 3 cm before I got the epidural - she told me that the pitocin made the contractions a lot stronger and painful without accomplishing a whole lot, so that made me feel better.  I went in to this experience saying I would try to have my baby natural - however I was obviously not very committed to this idea!  All I have to say is I have some serious respect for anyone who does have their baby naturally - I don't know how all you super women do it!

My mom got to the hospital around 10:30 PM and joined in the waiting party for baby boy to get here.  We read some magazines, watched some TV, made some attempts at sleeping.  At 12 PM the nurse came in to check me again.  With only making it to 3 cm in 6 plus hours, my hopes were not very high at this point that I'd made it much further. She told me I was at 5 cm and I was more than happy with that.  And then it was back to the waiting game.  She told me she'd come back in and check me around 2 AM.  At about 1 AM  I started to feel a LOT of pressure.  Right as I was about to call the nurse to come check me again (patience is also not a quality I possess while in labor apparently) she came in and said my contractions were making it look like I was getting close.  She did another check and hallelujah I was at 9 cm!  She said there was just one little piece of my cervix that we were waiting on.  She said she would come check on me again around 1:45 or 2 AM.  Well, 2 AM came and went and still no nurse!!  By this point I was feeling crazy amounts of pressure and the urge to push that baby out.  I was getting more and more impatient, and finally around 2:20 or  so I paged them and told them to get my nurse in there dang it!  She came in and told me there was a girl practically having her baby in the hallway, so she would be right back after they took care of her.  My impatient, selfish laboring self was thinking welll I am about to have a baby in here and I was here first so COME ON!

Finally the nurse got in at about 2:45 and told me it was time to start pushing.  I was pretty sure it was time to start pushing like an hour ago... She got me set up with her holding one leg, and Ryan holding the other (I'm thinking God made labor so painful so that you don't really mind that you have no dignity anymore) By this point my epidural had worn off some, so I was feeling a lot.  The pressure and urge to push was crazy!  The nurse had my grab my legs, take a big breath, and push three times in ten second intervals. I never knew pushing could be so exhausting!!!  After my first push I was like wait I have to do this for how long?!?!  I pushed for about half an hour, and she told me to stop pushing and it was time to call the doctor. I'm thinking wait the doctor isn't even here yet? Now I have to wait for her to get here??   I started just begging the nurse to deliver the baby herself.  My doctor wasn't even on call that day and she was out of town that weekend, so they weren't sure if she would be delivering my baby or another doctor. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, my doctor got there, and it was time to push my baby out!

After she got all set up in her scrubs with her torture table of scary looking instruments, she finally got me started pushing again. I'm not sure how many pushes it took - what I do know is at this point I was in go mode.  Every push was like a full body effort,  complete with some serious yelling on my part.  Thank goodness for all my cheerleaders - my awesome nurse, my doctor, Ryan, and my mom and sister (who were supposed to be up by my head not getting a front seat to the vajayjay show but apparently it was too exciting to miss and I was too tired and out of it to tell them they didn't want to see this.  Oh well, its their mind that image is scarred in to, not mine...) I am glad the epidural had somewhat worn off, because feeling my baby be born was one of the most crazy, amazing experiences I've ever had. As soon as I felt his head come out, followed by his shoulders it became so real that I was really having a baby.  When his shoulders came out, I felt and heard this weird pop and I panicked.  I thought his shoulder broke or got dislocated or something.  I asked the doctor and she said she heard it too - she thought it was his shoulder coming out of my pelvic bone, and that his shoulder should be fine (she had the pediatrician check and his shoulders were good to go!) The most incredible part of the whole experience was when they laid my baby boy on my chest and I got to meet him for the first time.  He was so alert and calm, and I looked in to his little face and fell in love instantly.
Lincoln Ryan Memmott was born at 3:53 AM on Tuesday September 4, 2012.  He weighted 7 lbs 11 oz (much less than the 9 pounder I was expecting - thank goodness) and was 20 inches long.  After they got him all cleaned up they gave him back to me to attempt to feed him (which you'd think wuold be easy - you've got the equipment and the baby, it should just happen.  Yeah, not so much...)  This was also made more difficult by the fact that I was shaking like crazy.  For some reason right after he was born I started shivering violently and it went on for what seemed like forever.  Apparently this is pretty normal? Once he finished attempting to eat they took him and Ryan off to the nursery to give him his first bath and do some tests  At this point I was STARVING - I hadn't been allowed to eat all day and the last thing I had eaten was breakfast at like 11 AM the day before.  The nurse gave me some sprite which almost immidiately made me super sick to my stomach.  My nurse told me you're not really in labor unless you have at least one of the three P/s - peeing, pooping, or puking.  Good thing you get a cute, snuggly baby out of it, other wise labor would seriously be considered a form of torture.  The nurses then got me moved in to my recovery room where I'm pretty sure I slept all of an hour before it was time to feed the little man again.  At this point I had been awake almost 24 hours and was more tired and exhausted than I've ever been in my life.

The rest of the hospital stay is kind of a blur of nurses and visitors and attempts to sleep.  Ryan was super husband and stayed with me every night (even though I'm not sure how he slept on that lame excuse they called a cot) They had us stay in the hospital for a full 48 hours after he was born since my water had been ruptured for 24 hours before he was actually delivered and they wanted to monitor us both for possible infections.  Finally on Thursday September 6th, after almost a full 3 days of being in the hospital, they finally started the discharge papers and sent us excited, terrified and slightly clueless parents off in to the world in charge of this little baby.  More on that adventure later!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Annnnd two years later...

Well folks, its a new record.  Its been over two years since my last post!  If you have read my blog at all you probably realize that approximately 89 percent of my posts start with something similar to this, soooo obviously my lack of blog-age isn't much of a surprise. But once again I have made it a goal to blog more often (and with my posts being pretty much annual this hopefully should be a pretty attainable goal.  Hopefully....) Although once again if you've read my blog at all I'm sure you've heard me make this goal before... Anyways, moving on.  Not much has happened in the last two years.  Except that Ryan graduated from UVU. And got a new job.  And I got pregnant.  Oh and now I have a baby.  Ya know, just some minor life events.  Just kidding, updates on these will be coming shortly!  For now, here is a little preview of our newest addition Lincoln Ryan Memmott :)