Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your MOM went to college.....

So life as we knew it was turned upside with the reinstation of our education.  Thats right, its back to school for Ryan and I.  We lived a spoiled life last semester which involved little more than work and coming home and doing whatever the heck we felt like.  But nowwwww, thanks to the dreaded day of winter semester finally showing its ugly face, I'm starting to remember what busy feels like.  Let me demonstrate for you a typical day:

6:20 AM (as in the MORNING, I fogot this time existed...)- Wake up, get ready (ish), deal with the hyper dog
6:50 AM-  Its out the door and into Ryan's freezing truck where we spend the next 40 minutes filled with sleepy conversation and Radio from Hell
7:30 AM- Stop at Ryans work.  He's off to UVU and I pick up the other car (which, after I am finally warm, I have to go sit in another freezing car), get stuck behind super slow drviers on Geneva road...grrr
7:50 AM- Arrival at BYU, leave the car thats finally warm, and freeze on the walk to class
8-11 AM- Strive to stay awake and not sound dumb in all my business classes, consisting of Accounting, Investments, Finance, and Money & Banking
11 AM- off to my "job" at American Liberty
1:30 PM- facebooking, gmailing, and begging Ryan to go to lunch with me because I am dying of boredom
5 PM- Finding activities to fill the next 1.75 hours while Ryan is finishing class.  Target is an excellent choice. Homework if its absolutely necessary.
7 PM- Rendezvous at Ryan's work to start the commute back to good ol' Eagle Mountain. 
7:40 PM WE'RE HOME!!!! FINALLY!!!!
8 PM  Running or p90x if we're feeling ambitious.  I may or may not die in the half marathon in March....
8:45PM Dinner....finally.  Quesadillas and paninis have become close friends of the Memmott household as of late...or always....
9 PM- homework or Seinfeld and Jazz games if we're feeling a little procrastination
10:30 PM- Its off to bed if we aren't already snoring on the couch



  1. We're doing P90X right now too. and it's PAIN! and I wanna reunion it up soon. miss you SO much!
