Sunday, December 2, 2012

2 months old!

Well, I have successfully kept a baby alive for two whole months! And - it has been a great two months.  My little Lincoln man is getting bigger and smarter everyday.  I never imagined how much fun it could be to watch that kid grow up! Mommy-hood has made me cheesy - the littlest things he does make me beam with pride and make my heart melt.  I know, cheesy.  So - here's a little update on what he's been up to this month.

  • At his two month appointment he had grown a ton!  He is now 10 lbs 15 oz and 22.5 inches long which puts him in the 40th percentile for weight, and 50th percentile for height.  His head circumference is 15 1/4 inches, which is still in the 30th percentile.
  • I think I'm going to have to since.tart baby proofing the house sooner rather than later, because I think this little guy is going to be on the move before we know it.  He started rolling over at 5 weeks - at first I thought it was just a fluke but he has done it ever since.  He can only roll from his tummy to his back (I think the only reason he does it is because he does not love being on his tummy) but lately when he's chilling on the floor he is starting to try to roll the other way from his back to his tummy.  Fingers crossed it takes him a little while - I'm not ready to have a kid that can move on his own!
  • He started smiling at about 1 month, and can I just say that it is about the best thing ever??  When he decides to wake me up at the butt crack of dawn and I stumble in to his room half asleep he always gives me a big smile, which makes getting up WAY to early at least a little easier :)
  • Just when I think we have a set sleep schedule, he decides to mess things up on me.  He started off the month doing about 6 to 6.5 hours a night, then had a few weeks where he would only sleep like 4, and then he was to 7 hours almost every night annnddd letting me sleep til like 8:30! Just when I was thinking this was the best thing ever, daylight savings happened (dun dun dun...) and it was back to 4.5 to 5 hours and waking up at 7 AM.  Hopefully we get readjusted to this dang time change soon....
  • This kid is alert and awake A LOT!  He still doesn't take very long naps during the day (but we're working on it, because now he is cranky pants if he doesn't get sleep) and when he is awake he loves to look around and try to figure out what this crazy world is all about.  He has started following us around with this eyes and loves to watch mommy and daddy.
  • He is still sleeping in the little sleeper in his pack n play.  While we were in Colorado he slept in just a regular pack n play and did NOT sleep well.  We also still have to swaddle him so he doesn't wake himself up with his crazy restless arm syndrome haha.  I've started putting a noise maker in his room so he doesn't wake up every morning when Ryan leaves for work (I got this free noisemaker app on my phone) and I think it helps.  But who knows with how often this kid likes to change his sleep patterns
  • Lincoln has started making noises and "talking" like crazy lately!  Its so fun.  We spend a lot of time just laying on the floor or the bed with him just telling me stories and cooing and giggling (or what sounds like giggling - I can't tell if he's really laughing yet!) It's one of my favorite times with him :)
  • This kid must take after his dad - he is seriously the LOUDEST sleeper ever!  He is constantly snoring, squeaking, grunting, farting or doing his random tourettes-ish cry (see the 1 month blog update!) He constantly sounds like he's awake, but he's just snoozing away!
I seriously love watching my little Lincoln man grow up.  I keep wishing time would slow down because I feel like its just flying by and before I know it he will be off on the bus to kindergarten and then leaving for college and before I know it I'll be a grandma.  But it is also the most amazing thing watching him grow.  Being a mom might just be the best thing ever.  

P.S.  Sorry this post is a little late - seeing as he is almost three months now.... Here's some pictures from Lincoln's second month of life!

Lincoln is a grumpy lumberjack

Blessing Day!  October 21, 2012

Cutest little giraffe I've ever seen!  Lincoln's first Halloween

Twinners with daddy!  

Lincoln and his buddy Adalise